Sam, from my point of view, your contribution to humankind borders on the priceless. You're on a short list of very formative influences on my thinking and practice. I'm happy to pay for your work on that front. And moreso to allow you to extend financial aid to those who need it.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

would be interesting to know what % of people are abusing Sam's generosity vs. truly being unable to pay (no doubt, an unanswerable question). Fortunately, I can afford to pay across all the platforms and am more than willing to do so given the benefits I receive.

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I'll add also this experiment is exciting because it has the potential to build a uniquely insightful and, well, fun community! That's not happening through mainstream social media. While Sam's circle of in his other digital outlets is jaw-droppingly good, it's closed to us and the exchanges we can enjoy. I hope this is wildly successful to know some of the brilliant people here!

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Yep this! I hope we can make it worth it.

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Could not have said it better myself!

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Wonderfully articulated. I found Sam’s work about 10 years ago and I’d liken it to my intellectual awakening - hopefully our collective contributions help have this effect on many more.

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My feelings exactly

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I was struggling to express my thoughts in a concise manner. You did it for me.

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Totally agree with what you said. I work hard to find the people I am going to listen to and allow to influence my thinking. Sam is on that short list and I, too, am happy to pay while allowing others to receive assistance in accessing this same content if needed. I hope we can all benefit from Sam's writings along with those of everyone here.

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Couldn't have said it better myself. Nailed it.

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Paid member of Waking Up, Making Sense, and now this Substack. If my contributions help someone who can’t afford one, then I’m glad to be part of this model. I am on the reduced price option for Making Sense so I’m also on the beneficiary end of the deal! Looking forward to hearing todays episode on my commute home.

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100%, Charles.

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I first started listening to you in my early 20s. It was your wit and clarity of thought that helped me discover the person I want to be and what I want to value in my life. I'm 36 now and have 2 children, 9 and 10, that have no idea who you are, but they have nonetheless been shaped by your influence on me. I like to think that among those 100,000+ free subscribers, your influence has had a similar cascading effect in many of their lives. I'm so incredibly grateful for your work and it's an honor to support all of your projects.

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I’m more than happy to contribute to the work you do and have been for years. I even sprang for two speaking events in Los Angeles a few years ago and felt privileged to be in the audience. Some people spend their money on concerts, but I prefer witnessing great thinking and communication about controversial and important topics. I hope this venue works out, but wherever works I hope to be a part of it.

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We all have limited time and most of us have limited resources. I *choose* to spend my time and money on things that will improve life or make it more rewarding or interesting.

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I learn so much from your content, and I admire you, your values…and your “business model.” I am happy and feel grateful that I am able to subscribe to your content here, on Waking Up, and on Making Sense. If my contributions help others to benefit from your teachings and your messages, well, I just think that will help to make the world a better place. Thank you for who you are and for all you give and do!

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My thoughts precisely!

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Very happy to be part of this discussion, Sam. It’s admirable how you run this enterprise.

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I appreciate what you do Sam. And it’s a pleasure to support your work.

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Very well said, and helpful for you to put this out. Love this: "I’d much rather you be here on your own terms than not be here at all." I'm happy to support you in multiple places for multiple streams of thinking and work (and lucky to be in a position where I can do so and not have to spend any time evaluating whether it makes sense for me or not). But it's great that you give people the option to adjust to what they can afford and still be part of the conversation.

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Totally. Pretty rare in today's world.

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I’m not rich. But I’m not poor either. And I want to pay for quality in a world with less and less of it. It makes me feel good - like I’m voting with my dollars. You are doing meaningful work Sam. I appreciate you.

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When I first subscribed to your podcast many years ago, I had just been laid off and you immediately granted my request for a free subscription. Once I was able to get back to work, I converted to a paid account as soon as I could. I recognized how much work you put into what you do, and how much value I was getting from it. I never thought you were pulling a fast one with some freemium marketing ploy. When I got your announcement email the other day, I was happy to subscribe to your substack. Thank you for what you do, and I can’t wait to see what this business grows into.

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Excited to be witness to the process. Thank you for all you do, Sam.

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I love your business model. Everyone (like 30 people) I’ve sent to Waking Up has told me that app not only saved their souls (those that claim to have one) but deeply enhanced their Spiritual lives. I can tell you the same for myself. Only one person needed the app for free and she is devoted. I deeply appreciate what you are attempting to do here. It is only sane to make free speech free for everyone.

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This post "My Digital Business Model" prompted me to subscribe to Substack.

Why does clarity of thought have to be such a rare thing?

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Welcome :) Because we're in an absurd existential and linguistic culture war.

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Our inability to keep up with our exponentially changing culture may not end well.

Dare I suggest that world control by an artificial super-intelligence may be necessary to save us from ourselves?

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I pay for my subscription, both because I can afford it (life’s gifts are not equitably distributed) and because I find the content worth the price. (I would not subscribe if the price were, say, $1,000.)

I’m perfectly fine if other people are reading it for free, whether by abusing the system or actually not being able to afford it and not being too proud to request it. Their story is not my story and their story has no bearing on mine. (I’m glad that paid subscriptions enable people truly not able to afford the subscription price to share in life’s gifts. That’s how society should operate.)

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I'm happy to have paid accounts on all three of your media offerings now. My wife is suspicious of my allowance expenditures, she can directly attest to your generosity as a scholarship member of Waking Up. This is just another method of your whole operation I find gratifying to support. Thank you.

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I was willing to give that rat bastard Pangborn money to see you in New York, I am fine with paying you personally for one more platform.

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